GRE作文范文 Issue-34
“The function of art is not to keep pace with science and technology but rather to provide an escape from these forces.”
嘉文博译Sample Essay
Art has long been a favorite topic for debate within a society. Questions such as “What is art?” and “Is this a work of art?” have been around for millennia. The purpose of art is to entertain, and in some cases, to educate. As a form of entertainment and escape, art does in some ways must keep up with science and technology, but in most aspects the true value of art lies in its ability to free the mind from the fast pace of a modern high-tech society.
In the first place, one needs to simply look at the most valuable art in the world to see that its main function does not lie merely in keeping up with technology. Da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa” and “Last Supper” were painted around five hundred years ago, but they are still cited as some of the best examples of “true” art in the world and are visited by hundreds of thousands of people every year. Michelangelo’s sculpture “David”, as well as his incredible paintings on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel at the Vatican, were also produced around five hundred years ago, but are still revered as some of the absolute pinnacles of artistic achievement. Although technology has changed incredibly in the last half millennium, these enduring works of art still capture the spirit and imagination of millions of people worldwide.
Of course, it follows that as technology has advanced, new art forms have been developed as the ability to express oneself has found new outlets for creativity. Michelangelo and da Vinci could never have imagined having the ability to create works of art in the mediums of television or computer imagery, for example. Modern day avant-garde artists use video, computers, lasers and other high technology to create works of art, while more traditional artists still use the traditional methods of paint, canvas and paintbrush or stone and chisel. It is not the function of art to keep up with science and technology, rather the facility of art to do so that is important. The main purpose of art is still to allow the viewer to escape from what science and technology has wrought upon us.
A further example of the escapism quality that is inherent in art can be found in the art of making a movie. Although some so-called “art purists” might object to calling most of today’s cinematic productions a form of art, there is no denying that there is an artistry involved in the making of at least some of today’s movies. With this art form more so than any other, art does the fine balancing act of keeping pace with science and technology while simultaneously fulfilling its main function - that of entertaining the masses of society. Moviegoers do not pay out relatively large sums of money just to see the state of the art technology of the latest movies; they go to the theatres expecting to be entertained. Proof of this fact can be found in the colossal box office failures of some of the most technologically advanced movies that nevertheless lack entertainment value due to the lack of a good story. If it were purely science and technology that audiences wanted to see, they would pay half the price and go to a planetarium, for example.
Finally, art, science and technology can complement each other in a multitude of different ways, such as the display of famous works of art on the Internet for all to see. But the main function of art is to allow for an escape from the drudgery of day-to-day life that has been created by the combined forces of science and technology.
GRE作文范文 Argument-34
The following is a letter from an editor at Liber Publishing Company to the company's president.
嘉文博译Sample Essay
"In recent years, Liber has unfortunately moved away from its original mission: to publish the works of regional small-town authors instead of those of big-city authors. Just last year, 90 percent of the novels we published were written by authors who maintain a residence in a big city. Although this change must have been intended to increase profits, it has obviously backfired, because Liber is now in serious financial trouble. The only way to address this problem is to return to our original mission. If we return to publishing only the works of regional small-town authors, our financial troubles will soon be resolved."
The writer in this argument is an editor claiming that Liber Publishing Company has moved away from its original mission of publishing the writing of regional small-town authors instead of big-city authors. As evidence, the editor states that authors who maintain a residence in a big city wrote ninety percent of the novels published by the company last year. The writer further claims that the change must have been intended to increase profits but that it has backfired as Liber is now in serious financial trouble. The writer concludes that the only way to fix the problem is to return to only publishing the works of regional small-town authors. This argument is full of weaknesses that should leave the president of Liber unconvinced.
The main problem with this argument is that one is left unsure of what exactly is the definition of “regional small-town authors.” The writer gives no clear definition and the only indication of what makes an author a regional small-town author is when he or she mentions that ninety percent of the novels published last year were written by authors who “maintain a residence in a big city”. It does make sense that authors who have been published would be able to afford a residence in a big city because they have already gained a certain level of success simply by having been published. Perhaps they actually live in a small-town but maintain a big city residence for business purposes for use during promotional appearances, etc. However, the editor fails to indicate whether the big city residences are these authors’ sole residences or whether they also maintain a residence in a small town, and whether that makes a difference in their individual categorization. If they also have a small-town residence, does this make them “regional small-town authors”? If a person was born and raised in New York City but moved to a small town in Oklahoma six months ago, does that make them a regional small-town author? The writer’s failure to define what exactly is a regional small-town author critically weakens this argument.
Moreover, the editor maintains that returning to publishing only the works of small-town regional authors is the only way to address Liber’s serious financial problems. Certainly there are other options available to the company to make it financially stable. It does not follow that simply returning to some idealistic mission will automatically lead to a solution to the company’s financial problems. What the company needs are profits – through publishing books that sell well regardless of whether the author is from a small town or a big city, or by reducing costs so that current revenue is enough to maintain a profit. Profitability is not directly tied to whether the company publishes only works by regional small-town authors - in fact, that would appear to be a sure way to further reduce profitability by restricting the scope of the company’s business. Stating that publishing only regional small-town authors is the only way to address the company’s financial problems further weakens the argument.
In summary, the editor’s argument ultimately fails because there is no basis in fact for his or her conclusion. To make the argument stronger and more believable, the editor should present direct evidence that the company has lost sales by moving away from its original mission. The writer must also prove that there is a sufficient market available to the company for selling regional small-town authors’ works that would actually resolve the financial troubles of Liber Publishing Company.
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